For cyclists 30 years old and over

Australian Veteran Cycling Council Inc.
ABN 96 724 615 505
ARBN 084 246 695
The Australian Veteran Cycling Council Inc (AVCC) was formed in 1991 to cater for the interests of mature aged cyclists throughout Australia. The organization today has 18 clubs with nearly 2,000 members. Anyone turning 30 years of age or more in the calendar year may apply for membership through an affiliated club. Those who join are provided with one of the cheapest and most comprehensive insurance covers within Australia with riders covered for both racing and training.
While competition can be keen, it is also true to say that many members are attracted to the ranks because of the friendly and casual nature of competition. Most riders see the AVCC as an organization where they can enjoy their sport, participate in a healthy pastime and enjoy the company of people of similar interests and maturity.
A national road event open to members from all states is held in January in conjunction with the ‘Tour Down Under’ or over the Easter long weekend.